Monday, February 4, 2008


She Is Beautiful,
Inside and out.
Nothing can Stop her,
Not even I.

Twas beauty Slain the Beast.

The things I think when I see her,
The softest touch,
I can give with my hands
Firmly tho.
She needs to know I support her.

I can't depend on anything.
Countless nights and days have past.
Who set this spell that I'm under.
And who gets to say when it ends.

Not i Said the blind man.
It wasnt me said the man with the gun.
But watch out i can do something worse.

So i Backed up a little.
I guess a broken heart is better than one thats not beating.
Some would agree,
Yet some would chase it down a hole.
A dark, dark, Tunnel.

Not all.

But i question my reasoning as I stand at it's Entrance.

Anyone in their right mind would have Turned back By now.
So I won't waste my time in taking it.
This last chance.

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