Sunday, April 26, 2009

What did she mean to you?

yeah she was
and it bulit up inside me
evry second spent beside her was, one
I never will forget
I never wanted it to end
but in the end i knew it likely
and it never shall again
be like it was
like it could have been
like i wanted it to be
like id like it to be now

im not amazed
i was confronted
with such desire that i couldnt hold it in
in times like these we find our true selves
the parts that make us whole
then we can ask ourselves after
make ourselves
happily ever after
seems so far off after now

can you teach the children
to laugh and play

I can
teach myself
but theres no way to really tell

so hold your face up to the light
let it dim as the flame flickers
frightened you disappear
good bye
and so long


it was

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