Sunday, April 26, 2009

lovers in love

if someone were waiting for you
would you feel it
could you tell
without them telling
tell me
im not that far off

i cant be
I never was i never will
who was it that last asked you this question
has anyone asked it at all
have you ever spent the night alone?
doing what
nothing you can speak of so give up
speak out against the wicked
the truth dies upon your lips
as they go numb
on your face
on the only part that holds a frown
or a smile

a burst of energy makes you glow
a light in the darkness

why is it that now i have nothing to say
nothing that makes Me want to speak out
I have no light to hold your attention
no clever words that captivate and oppress your vision
the minds eye

i think that at night time

the eye that sees into your soul

who runs dry like the desert?
the dismal sand and sullen dunes

frown upon your graces
or grayces

for all of this

entitled WHOM?

not I
no no
not I

i Want no part
I take no prisoners
in part im like you
and in many cases not
Not at alll
Noot ever so slightly
not at all likely
Dont make me I beg of you
Blatantly press your lips to mine and kiss
draw from the fountain
and renew that broken sultry swoon

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