Friday, October 23, 2009


The need to be
Trite In essence
not too worn out
but encrypted
in what?
to what?
one may ask is your buisiness?

Im not sure...
Just posing a statement for you to fragment
into position
akward at that
Do you remember the time

Oh which one

I felt so out of play-ce
Hackneyed and indifferent
to whom should this entitlement bear fruit
I keep asking these questions and I really don't intend on getting an answer but I'm sure one exists
well id like to give it a go
Attend the service
entertain the idea
My idea
I have no Idea
tomorrow's just another day
aint it
Oh the title's just a word
It holds no significance
Nor holds nobody's interest
If it did it would mean to oppose

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

these modern Marvels

And we're all looking for the fall
A degradation of the senses
To have


pull at our strings

and tell us where to go
Whichever way might seem fit for suvival
if it has to be it will

Life pulls at our hearts
we ponder giving up and in

on loved.....

on love
on loveless deadends that dont lead to nothin

On lifeless roads that take you nowhere

on promising ventures that promise you the world


Only if I had the nerve
to let go
to be all that I can
To will the way
Direct it to me
Live in speech
In numbers in a line

In a long list of shortcomings and progression
To spill my guts is what I mean

On the floor
I can clean them up
No don't
I don't mean to put you out
Seriously Ive got this under control
You need not expell any energy
Ive got this

Monday, June 22, 2009

Staring down a well

well for Heaven's sake....
and not my own

I've lived and told the total truth
to few and far between

to what will keep you hanging on
a thread

a thimble full,
to sew the seam

breaking bridges,
burning back.

i place my steps carefully,
tip and toe

heel and foot


many feet
far off,

off and a-way


I have mixed feelings about it.........
you get what you put in
or rather
Get what you can take?
Take what you can get
and take, all that you can

to survive
in life....
in love....
in lust....

So where will you end up?

Its not pre-ordained
not likely set in stone
no-one even knows

No Holy Grail
No father's son

Only your own,
to make it light

a simple choice
to choose from right
or wrong


an emancipation

in motion

centripical theory

Give me a place to stand
And I shall
Give me a place to sit
I'll do the same
Lie me down and comfort me
i feel safe in your embrace

Sunday, June 14, 2009


this breaks tradition
One I had set for myself

For myself only

One hundred posts
And then move on.......

One hundred senteces
Without a meaning
Without a stopping or a start
Who'd ever read them?
From start to finish
From first to last?

Who'd ever take the time to take everything in?
I Know i couldnt

I love you and thats all that's important

I want to be with you until the sun goes dim
Tho everlasting it may seem
it shall too come to an end
and I will be there

Monday, April 27, 2009


this is just for me
for you
for us
for the person that you were
for the one youll never be
for the one we could have had
whose life was snuffed out by the wind
who blows like billows on a skyline parting just before we sinned and made our first attempt at madness
made our first headlong drive
our first touch
and now they ask us was it worth it
what did you find?

I found escape inside a body such release i felt in you
so close i was to getting out of my own skin and make it through
to that other world that binds us to ourselves that guiding light
that weight that breaks our backs in some respects that one that shows us right
from wrong
from good and evil from sneaking suspicions to all out aggression
who is it that tells you what to do?
who is it that asks you the questions
when do you give them the chance
when do they ever prove you wrong
im waiting here

Sunday, April 26, 2009

What did she mean to you?

yeah she was
and it bulit up inside me
evry second spent beside her was, one
I never will forget
I never wanted it to end
but in the end i knew it likely
and it never shall again
be like it was
like it could have been
like i wanted it to be
like id like it to be now

im not amazed
i was confronted
with such desire that i couldnt hold it in
in times like these we find our true selves
the parts that make us whole
then we can ask ourselves after
make ourselves
happily ever after
seems so far off after now

can you teach the children
to laugh and play

I can
teach myself
but theres no way to really tell

so hold your face up to the light
let it dim as the flame flickers
frightened you disappear
good bye
and so long


it was

lovers in love

if someone were waiting for you
would you feel it
could you tell
without them telling
tell me
im not that far off

i cant be
I never was i never will
who was it that last asked you this question
has anyone asked it at all
have you ever spent the night alone?
doing what
nothing you can speak of so give up
speak out against the wicked
the truth dies upon your lips
as they go numb
on your face
on the only part that holds a frown
or a smile

a burst of energy makes you glow
a light in the darkness

why is it that now i have nothing to say
nothing that makes Me want to speak out
I have no light to hold your attention
no clever words that captivate and oppress your vision
the minds eye

i think that at night time

the eye that sees into your soul

who runs dry like the desert?
the dismal sand and sullen dunes

frown upon your graces
or grayces

for all of this

entitled WHOM?

not I
no no
not I

i Want no part
I take no prisoners
in part im like you
and in many cases not
Not at alll
Noot ever so slightly
not at all likely
Dont make me I beg of you
Blatantly press your lips to mine and kiss
draw from the fountain
and renew that broken sultry swoon

Friday, March 6, 2009

in escape

its been a while since ive done this

last night was a mirage

i dont know if thats how you spell it
but it takes up most of my time

why cant you understand
inter personal beings
messengers of faith
frame up the intangible decisions that we make \
hold accountable
that never let us go
accept the innevitable

i want to be there again
with her
but this time im constricted
by boundries beyond my control
i have done this
and she did this to me
i am a man
i will stick to my word
"be" it

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wishing well

My imagination runs wild
and unopposed

Pose for the picture
look natural
If taken at the right moment you will be locked in time forever
Precious moments
Monetary gain

For some
To the rest of us the world
What is it that makes a decision?
a vote?

Is it your opinion?
Is it the right one?

The choice to make is yours
But live it wisely
and do make it

For you are the only one that can

No one can decide for you the path to walk

Or the trail that leads you in the right direction

If all could stand still and make you whole
Gradually getting higher growing taller
Taking steps
baby steps at first then growing into leaps and bounds
I want to help you get there
Realize your own potential

Not lead but encourage
I love it
It makes all the difference in the world
We'll talk for days
and share our feelings
Our strong emotions
Letting go of inhibitions and giving gifts straight from the heart
Connections like these are hard to make
And even harder to hold onto
Yet when it feels right
It almost takes no effort at all

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Not 1 part is missing

Men of power
I have nothing to say to you
why dont you take me out and shoot me
so that I can save face
It's futile

This cold and growing Darkness
So futile
I makes no sence to light your home
I need a a prayer

We all need a prayer
One solemn vow to God above, may save our souls

Isnt that what you believe?
All that you believe in?
Then Why cant we do it
Why cant we just save us all?

Theres no love in lust
And no trust in living liars
theres no past when all is lost in losing all

if you cant appreciate what you are given on this day
then you will never understand what makes us whole

Thursday, January 1, 2009


cold hands
Ice cubed fingerprints
reserving one last ciggarette
for feelings
Nights just like this

dreams of un-turned wheels sit starkly on the side yard
Sying if youd only fix me we would be much better off

but when on earth will it be likely
When on earth will we become
something that the wind wont snuff out a
and that we could rise above

you give yourself up for a heartbreak
and your soul up to the moon
if anything could save your face
would you assume that you coul hold it?
that you could touch it?
that you could even keep it near?

the only process that could cleanse you would be simply
on through the darkness
and be welcomed by the light
ive got a picture perfect answer that would never question why