Wednesday, December 17, 2008

still written....

I've got a simple solution
He said simply stating his name
we could clean up all this pollution
And live in rolling hills with growing green grasses

If we dont do something now
we'll simply stumble back home
Drunken through big city streets
hopefully not falling on our asses

Take deep breaths and hold them
through tunnels waiting to reach that white light
We could all make a wish and
see them realized at night

Suppose we did this
And darling we succeeded
Somehow wed lived forever
Securing ourselves in little ones
versions of me and you on their faces


In this second verse I'll project a feeling of contention
Hold no contempt just pure recollection
Times were better back then
No saying that now they are great
It's all in what you make it
The next step lies at my feet

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