Friday, December 12, 2008

Do you really? Well you dont have to be so Hard on me.

Yeah each one envokes a sentiment
I'd settle
Well its not up to you
you dont make all the decisions around here
im sorry to have to be the one to break it to you
but someones got to get it across to you
you fucking sack of shit
you loser
let me lose myself in this moment of satire
satiristical sundays on days off and on
and working for corporate offices and tax payers and share holders
and see if they give a damn
they dont give two shits about you or what they do
they just want the same thing as you man
a pay check that keeps thrir pockes full or their mouths or their hearts
or their nest and their beak
what do birds have to do with this?
In fact what the fuck do you have to do with this?
What do you even have to do?
Nothing you dont have to do a goddamn thing
you are set
you have it made
a life made out to you in the form of a check
it states one life
and you just need to go cash it in
in the notes section it says live it well
Live it well so that I dont have to
do you even know what you are doing to me?
Half of the time Im all alone by myself
the other half Im in good company
I want to be alone
Am I

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