Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Gorgeous does not grow on Trees

I dont know how I do it.
Maybe I have have too much confidence?
I know i have too little.
Either way with liquor,
I'm bound to break.
It's innevitable.

Innevitability is not random
It's an,
Udeniable fact

So take that
Mister individuality
You need to,
Speak out,
To be heard.

I found that out the hard way
If you keep on talking

At some point
They will listen

And if they did before
And they got bored
Youve got them hooked

Keep on talking
For they will listen once again

Master the art and know how not to lose them
Wave, my brother


My good man.

Keep on breaking on the shore
She sells sea shells down there
So go buy a few and let her know shes wanted
Plus they really are beautiful shells

And i know my shellfish.

1 comment:

Rachel; said...

Kyle Mulch (:
Haha I like it