Monday, August 11, 2008

Dreams Make wishes Come True

This one i thot out.
Not enteirely.
But for the premise.

Sometimes i wish in 3-D,
And when I sleep I see the shapes
Come to life

All it takes is a little imagination,
And mainly fear.

Ive got a notion,
Burning brightly in my mind,
A sleeping potion.
Concocted soley from past lives,
and past times

Flavored memories,
and salty skin
remembrance and reverie
I've held within

It fakes itself,
and makes me happy.

Tho when I wake I'm
Less than whole.

If you would let me,
Just like fate

I take a toll

I collect it

And dispense a heaping portion,
of desire
conflict epic notions
Of what sould have been

Take the time to think
and never let the feelings go.

Cuz ive learned this much

what you care for will in time grow.

Don't give in.

and surely

Dont ever give up
Rome was not built in a day

Neither were
The great wall of China
The pentagon
Or Tall Tall Trees

We need to Nurture Nature
and let our lives Blow with the breeze

That will surely surround us
evry time the wind duth blow

I make no sound
Let me show you
And You'll know.........


Its way to overpowering

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