Sunday, January 20, 2008

One at a Time Please

Does she really understand that when he holds her hand he means it?
That only she can give him life now.
Altho he knew it before he had been forced to look away.
The light he had loved so much had ceased from being soothing,
But instead became blinding.
Hypnotized he fought for stable ground.
With no-one there to catch him,
He had to gain footing on his own.
Now sronger yet alone
Love and Hate were two horns on the same goat.

But then she came along....
A long, long ways away.
He broke the ice and it was melting.
Dripping down the storm drain.
He had no chance.
A Junkie,
Sticking needles in his arm,
He had found the perfect drug.
And It was so.

This game is all about posture,
and body language,
Even tones.

Skin, Voice, Dial

I won't put you on trial.
But I will ask you to answer a few questions.

How About It?

What Has Become?

In What manner should I address thee?

I will dress up,
and go out on the town.
Tho i preffer to stay at home,
I need new stimulation.
For she has gone.
For Good????

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