Monday, January 21, 2008

Not even Close

There was no chance of it,
and it wasnt because of the Sun.
But still it made no sense.
He would be passing by and would see her,
Up there at the top of the world,
Waiving down onto him.

It seemed as if she taunted him.
Her lips were moving.
But no sound came through the pane.
A glass wall
Not thick nor thin,
But more than enough to keep them apart.

He couldn't help but stare.
She was amazing.
Yet the wrench he got in his gut,
When he realized she was content where she stood,
Peering down with a smile,
Sent him racing away

If she had only taken the stairs.
He thot.
Opened the door.
He thot.....

I can't get inside.
I need to be granted access.
She was a real let down, she was.
But its all just one in the same,
and now I'm flying.

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