Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Show Me???!!

I don't need to be shown a thing or two
I need someone to be on my team
On my side
someone to work with me,
towards goals that will benefit us both,
we will share communion and bask in the glorious sunlight of age
loving life and each other alone

Do i ask for Much?
Too much?
Oh much to much! She replies
What made you think that you'd find that in me?
Ive got my own perogitive.
Think of yourself, more as a stepping stone,
On my path across this great green Earth
Somewhere I stopped in for the night,
when the road got long and Weary
I may be back through this way sometime....
When I am Ready

But, Honey You'll have missed me

I replied.

I'm Packing up and moving out.
Yes it was fun,
But now its my turn to Run

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Forever And A Day

Ive waited... Well. Not waited
But I've Bid My Time, To Bid You a Fond Farewell

But I cant

I cant make it Fond.
Can't make it something you'd remember
Because you Don't remember Nothing

If i could
Then I would
But I can't

Can you tell Me?
I can't tell Myself!
And now i'm just Rambling
On And On and On

Oh How I wish,
But Dreamers dont Make for Lovers
Lovers Make For Suckers
And now that my mind Is Blank
I dont Know where to stop

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Last night i took a journey to the ends of the Earth.
I went all out and spared nothing.
I took whoever was coming with me along,
and they came.
Silenced by thot.
Thinking in bubbles,
and bursting balloons

Was nothing real?

Is anything at all?

It is all Relative and Now its Clear.
Bright as day,
and Dark As night.
The future holds no boundaries.
It never did,
Blind limitations
and Seductive Scenes.
I take a look around and smile,
In Spite myself.
I am the only one Who understands,
Who gets it?
Yet it is Crystalline,
and Alive.
Live and Die to be content.
Contempt Holds no place in ones Life.
Its life alone thats meant to please.

"Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds"
In Letters

Friday, January 25, 2008

Death Defying Fall

So today I got a final bill.
I had to pay it in full,
Cash only.
I had to part with what I had worked so hard to get.
you can't take it with you when you go.
Didnt think so.
She lies and I lay next to her.
So Stoopid of me now that I think about it.
I thot wrong.
Assumptions get the best of us.
Especially if they're backed by hollow words.
A shallow pool that breaks your legs.
Take the plunge

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Thunder and Lightning

To the back of my eyelids I will go tonite.
Hopefully I will see you there,
and I wont be shaking.
We will be Still,
Calm and Cool.
Hopefully to wake in the morning.
Not distraut,
But alive.
Wide eyed and gleaming

Beaming blue eyes.

Today wasn't so bad.....

Did i ask you that?
But the everlasting rain clouds
Casting dark shades onto puddles of fallout.
The sky is still bleeding.
It has only just begun.

Is there an Issue?

Stagnant and stale
I thank you for bringing that to my attention.
This time I will write the body before i Choose a title.
Kind of like testing the waters before you dive right in.
Propell me towards greatness.

My weakness....
My savior.

Do not be afraid to touch, but be warry.
Looks can decieve,
and so can friends.


But in my right mind i will be.
All the chemicals flowing freely,
and saying... Ahhhhhh!!!!

Open your mouth,
scream! There is no way out!

Deal or be dealt.
This deck takes a liking to the light hearted.
At least it did back in the day.
Heavy hearts just sink,
and i want to float.
I want to Fly.....

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

If Tomorrow Were A Day

Then what would it be
Allied or not,
Signified with a two and a three.
Strides taken,
When will the upper hand be granted?
Losing steam,

If there weren't such a demand,
The supply would be forced to sell out cheaply,
and the hungry would be content.
Not starving.


Sometimes we speak in third person.
Sometimes we speak in Tongues.
Sometimes we speak for others.
Sometimes we speak to ourselves.
Sometimes we say things we don't mean.
We even put words,
Into other peoples mouths.

Maybe to finish their statement,
Or to say what they just coulnd't say.
Maybe because they didn't want to.

But in any case,
No one really knows why, or how.
We grasp at straws and hands to help us up.
Sometimes they play mean tricks,
and just before we Re-gain our balance they let go.
Sometimes they turn their backs completly.
Sometimes its obvious,
Though you are oblivious to the truth.

Get up on your own wash your hands of it!
Do, 'I',
Want to?

Monday, January 21, 2008

I Guess I'll Stop

And I wont question your reasoning.
I'm not in charge. So I'll be the one to quit.
If you would stop me I'd say. Why!?
I'm not ready for one more day. Not even two.
I need a lifetime to get what i want.
So she stares......

In my direction for maybe twenty minutes more..
Her mind is blank and needs new stimulation.
If I went blank I would be gone forever.
I need something familiar to keep me alive.
Goodnight but not Goodmorning,
Not anymore.
I dont LOVE you. She said
But.. Hello...

Not even Close

There was no chance of it,
and it wasnt because of the Sun.
But still it made no sense.
He would be passing by and would see her,
Up there at the top of the world,
Waiving down onto him.

It seemed as if she taunted him.
Her lips were moving.
But no sound came through the pane.
A glass wall
Not thick nor thin,
But more than enough to keep them apart.

He couldn't help but stare.
She was amazing.
Yet the wrench he got in his gut,
When he realized she was content where she stood,
Peering down with a smile,
Sent him racing away

If she had only taken the stairs.
He thot.
Opened the door.
He thot.....

I can't get inside.
I need to be granted access.
She was a real let down, she was.
But its all just one in the same,
and now I'm flying.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

One at a Time Please

Does she really understand that when he holds her hand he means it?
That only she can give him life now.
Altho he knew it before he had been forced to look away.
The light he had loved so much had ceased from being soothing,
But instead became blinding.
Hypnotized he fought for stable ground.
With no-one there to catch him,
He had to gain footing on his own.
Now sronger yet alone
Love and Hate were two horns on the same goat.

But then she came along....
A long, long ways away.
He broke the ice and it was melting.
Dripping down the storm drain.
He had no chance.
A Junkie,
Sticking needles in his arm,
He had found the perfect drug.
And It was so.

This game is all about posture,
and body language,
Even tones.

Skin, Voice, Dial

I won't put you on trial.
But I will ask you to answer a few questions.

How About It?

What Has Become?

In What manner should I address thee?

I will dress up,
and go out on the town.
Tho i preffer to stay at home,
I need new stimulation.
For she has gone.
For Good????

A Tale Of Deciet

And no-one knows it better
the story begins and ends right here

Open Ended

Where does it start?
Altho I cannot see the end,
I belive it exists in me somewhere,
and if i could just find it,
then my mind would be at ease.
No longer hastilly pacing the line.

On which step was it that I faultered?
She beckons me with her eyes,
Only a glance.
Not trying to send the wrong impression.
But its too late.
That has already been done.
Where do we go from here?
Well if its open ended then its safe to say,
Wherever the wind carries us.
Our wings will do all of the work.
The fearthers have their purpose too.

But promise that when we land you will hide them for me.
People stare with such contempt and desire,
I feel guilty. But it is not my fault.
Someone has to take the blame,
and when they do,
It had better be for the right reason.
Exceptionally good taste.
But no style whatsoever.

He pushes on,
Insomniac, in this world of reality.

Is This Allowed

Down Here.
Where we hide to get away.
To steal a moment in time and simply exist.
I will take the pressure, relieve it.
What problems could this created world put on us that we cannot escape?
If we try then we will succeed.
So inform me once again of your reasoning.

He has a house,
For the two of them.
A basement and a jungle of a backyard.
An attic with fans for the summer months,
and open windows for the breeze.
A porch with a view,
and berries, blue, black, rasp, and boysen.
Trees with fruit,
and bycicles which he rode at great speeds up and down streets of a distant land.
As a boy,
Far away from home.
But still He was home.

Why then did they not go?
Im not too sure.
So many things got in the way.
That can only be factored in,
When other factors,
Act as inhibitors to the task at hand.
Happiness is bliss.
Thots of being held in loving arms,
and embrced by a heart that senses the mood,
and matches it with confidence.
Restoring faith to a hopeless cause.
Not his alone.
Nor hers.
But theirs.

Now when can i push that reset button?
I need the O.K.

I Do

And without a word she stepped out of the light.
Back into the darkness.
The abyss.
Curtains drawn but not even a bow.
No gesture to the sole onlooker.
Only the clicking of the keys.
A keyboard.
He enviously wishes he could be.
Just to have her tap.