Thursday, December 29, 2016

Posted on

Some say luck favors the bold I know that all too well my friends When holding onto that notion All you love slowly passes and ends Yea but lest you soon forget This mere thought blink of an eye She batts her lashes and then Again time begins And that horizon you seek and sought For most of your life Brightens up and our song Sheds light on all We been blind too Cause we aren't special There's only me and then you A growth rate now that's exponential Our world that's tipped on its axis Ever. So slightly Don't pay no mind to nothing That the naysayers say Immaculately designed Repurposed each and every day It's in your face it's in mine Whispers my name on the wind I don't expect you to see No fear bear with with me my dear (My)Cause darling you Yes you send me My darling YOU You Surely send me Again and again Forever planting my seed

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Settled scores

She set out to destroy me I've come to this trite conclusion It's quite odd Why being such an awful peice of shit Can give you such notoriety But that wasn't my intention Never did I set out to sink my ship Just everybody has their own opinion And best plan of actions always been Judge not Or at least don't be so high and mighty We've all been wronged Most cases sort themselves out It's only when we take retributive action do we tend to end up getting burned And when you live in the wolfs den It takes its toll on me But I don't have an explanation As to why it all has worked out quite this way The lives I've come to know and touch And shape and those that helped shape me All that's been done is done All that we do we will do with a sense of greater purpose Guided now by iron will It all falls into place somehow This era ending Everything coalesces and moves in one direction And she never said that she was sorry And she still hates you She holds this grudge against you

A God that dies

Not merely mortal But a cut above the rest Not only so but self absorbed mess Of society that never looks to one another for strength and guidance But looks at each other with critical eyes And half lit stares No truth can be told here Nor would it ever find itself Rolling off the tongue of a man or woman Who wasn't only thinking of themselves We haven't come too far to talk like Poets or visionaries on our time off So why don't we just shift Set one priority above the next Let it sway Have the waves stopped crashing on the sands Has the only success become monetary That's what world leaders and fake prophets Would like us to believe Sure jah won't pay the bills When your bills consist of overvalued "Necessity" I've been lost in the wilderness In a grove of pines Standing tall above me like a skyscraper That in time will come tearing down It's quite apparent to me why I've been so But not to you or your counterparts The counter culture Evens things out and talking with the dead Has opened my eyes The strangest life I've ever known The only time I've seen it bright But that's not a burden or a hindrance To the point I've become more aware of what is being said What needs to be said and what can't be We don't all hold the keys And what keys we do hold don't always lead us to the best prize Door number one might shelter your possessive self's query But door number three holds the light And door number two Well that might satiate the wanton needs But will never get us to where we need to be I'm a little bit too Un inclined to Lay my head down on your porch I don't buy into intolerance and greed I just don't need the finer things in life that selling your soul Can buy I may have been tempted but I still have it And I can still feel the butterflies I am a cut above in my ability To tell the difference To hold the flame and know I'm right

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

I in the fire

For it is deep inside me The red flame blue But that's not a bad thing It's the law The simple understanding that we have And she wasn't bad She wasn't good She wasn't worthy I know I never shouhave And I was lonely She broke the mold Said she was starstruck But that gets old I'm fucking great at reading signs Attaining things I shouldn't know As well as being the stain that won't wash Out and all the better for your soul So many ways to look at it and That's what all of you lack I'm content and contents flood me I'm sure of everything I lack And now that's you And girl I had you And I didn't spend a cent The one regret I do have tho Is tainting sacred places with your stench This one for some reason holds such animosity I'm not sure why but then I'm lyin I knew exactly what the cost would be So I got up and started trying But would you look at that lol We make our beds And I'm tired of laying in mine and I'm not afraid either I just know what's ahead what's in store? I don't expect anyone else to understand until theyre ready

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Dont you!!! No No No you Don't!!!

If there were words in the sky
I now they'd Damn me for what I am doing to him
But there aren't
any words
in the sky

The worst

in a long list of truthfull,
going on inside your mind
will someday speak to you the way you wish to be addressed'
All nice and "Propper" like

that's only one p in there if you were trying to be punctual...

oh but I wasnt I was only breaking that spell
like the dark ages

Like some Northern Lights floating listless
further south than the usual bout
and litterally making waves

so much for atmospheric magnetistic sheilding mingling
Cause it puts itself out there,
I mean really making Headlines! on a newspaper!
When youre not even an animate object and you goo-gaaahhh the world
you had better feel accomplished
You had damn well better stand up and bow
but be on with yourself
meaning dont linger

Monday, April 11, 2011

You Know Him Better than I Do

Halt! Who goes yhere?
Oh... Well I still don't know who y'are.
Come on out into the light so I can see yer' face
That shadows just dark enough that I cant make you out.
Did you know that these alleyways feature movie stars and dead men's parts?
That is,
When no-one else is looking

Cause I bet you didn't see who that was that just turned the corner.
far up ahead, as you lit that cigarette you're smokin'
Nor did you see the stolen ring on that severed finger by the dumpster when you stopped to take'a piss Did'ja?
Betcha' You didn't even see the finger huh?

Well Have I got news for you
I was a playboy back In MY day
and I was swingin' with the best uh' them
Yeah, I was a real "Walkin' tall appiration",
Unlike the hovel-led mess I am today

But I don't mean to be a bum
Lemme get get a smoke
You know they call these things Fags over there in England?
Yeah I think its England, And in prison you got a grit.

I don't know why it is I tell you these things
But it seems necessary to pass down the knowledge,
I find it helpful when I'm searching for some empathy
Which, In my kinda case doesn't actually have to be sought
Cause I'm a well of that empathetic bullshit
a regular Oasis in a desert of doubts and scowls

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Pick me up from desire
From not knowing anything at all, like the breath on a morning
where the shingles glisten with frost and the blades of grass seem like they'd break if you

Just like that, Crack

Place a step off the pavement

I hope that you don't feel abandoned
When you wake and Im gone,
Refrain from boarding that train
of thought, dont think of me gone, just not there at this moment.

I'm not far and you know this
Though at times I am miles away
And others, I'm less than a deep... Breath
though you cant see my face
or catch the sent of me sigh-(ing)
Open your eyes to my smile

Don't think I don't love you
Cause I love you, I do

I just sometimes get restless,
I long to ash my cigarette on carpetless ground
To pace back and forth and mull over the banter
That incesstantly rattles inside of my head
To escape the four walls of my room that enclose me
my mind cant ex spell such desire