Monday, April 11, 2011

You Know Him Better than I Do

Halt! Who goes yhere?
Oh... Well I still don't know who y'are.
Come on out into the light so I can see yer' face
That shadows just dark enough that I cant make you out.
Did you know that these alleyways feature movie stars and dead men's parts?
That is,
When no-one else is looking

Cause I bet you didn't see who that was that just turned the corner.
far up ahead, as you lit that cigarette you're smokin'
Nor did you see the stolen ring on that severed finger by the dumpster when you stopped to take'a piss Did'ja?
Betcha' You didn't even see the finger huh?

Well Have I got news for you
I was a playboy back In MY day
and I was swingin' with the best uh' them
Yeah, I was a real "Walkin' tall appiration",
Unlike the hovel-led mess I am today

But I don't mean to be a bum
Lemme get get a smoke
You know they call these things Fags over there in England?
Yeah I think its England, And in prison you got a grit.

I don't know why it is I tell you these things
But it seems necessary to pass down the knowledge,
I find it helpful when I'm searching for some empathy
Which, In my kinda case doesn't actually have to be sought
Cause I'm a well of that empathetic bullshit
a regular Oasis in a desert of doubts and scowls

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