Saturday, March 26, 2011

Somehow It Works

This was long ago
Before the world had any pauses
It was before there was much that made sense could be found

You see
Back then there were only words
And common phrases
Ones for the young
But the old just drifted off into space
Like that satellite did when the battery ran out
There wasn't any mood or sense of laughter in the room
Since the sensation had been sucked right out of it with a vacuum
And the sound had been silenced when the last song was sung

This was before yours and my time, remember
So don't think you'll ever get back there to see it

There was this notion of sadness
And there were stories being told
That explained everything to everybody that inquired
But they were futile beginnings
At hot, humid, land locked emotions, without a desire to flee

I remember there being a speck of light which flickered on and off without any direction
And when time became still like the rest of the clocks in the room
It just floated there
Amidst chairs that had never been used to sit anything in
That clanked against one another each time they collided

I paused for a moment and held my breath
I never exhaled
I inhaled small bits of oxygen
Each time thinking the next would soon rupture my chest
Yet I proceeded
And my chest never exploded

It never even showed signs of fatigue
Without maximum capacity
I was guessing that I could go on forever

Until I saw it
And I was sure that it saw me
And I was afraid
I feared for my life and for hers
But she was locked away
So safe
And comfortable i hoped

It advanced in my direction and with each inch that it drew near
My pores perspired profusely
My heart thumped out of rhythm

Putting my luck on hold I reached for my pistol and let off 6 rounds
My revolver smoked at the barrel
And each bullet pierced through it's hide
Thick and with ease
To the ground sank
Through each layer
Accepting my startled response
It was
Clearly apparent
I had ended
Its untimely advance

And that is where I lost it
I would never have it again
It was never mine to obtain I remember thinking
And the ache in my head split my skull
Like firewood stacked, soon to be burned

I am not sorry, and I am not mourning
These days
I listen to my radio
And I turn on the television
I take steaming hot showers and do laundry as it piles up on my bedroom floor
I cannot and will not go back there

For it is as empty and blank as your stare

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