Monday, October 13, 2008

Off the top with constant motion

Youre not that poetic
It doesnt come right to you
words could roll off the toungue if you only tried
In spite of all that has been
Im going on in case i Dont get a second chance
The stage is set
I always watch it from afar and sometimes i get kicked out
Booted from the scene trajected into space
If that could be said
I can get thins off my mind
Im not trying to be blatant or blunt
but what does it mean to not know what you do
or at least know not what to say
Anyways im not sure what happened
there are some blank spots in the story
History repeats itself
So im sure im not the first
and I have no clue who'll be the last
I hope it lasts
I wish I didnt miss them
They would have been great
And I am completely dissapointed with myself
Well at least iM alright and so is

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