Sunday, September 28, 2008

P.S. initially i was going to leave this blank

Post script,

But coming before.....Going

I was a little late on the draw.
I drew a blank that time and you held it against me
The barrel pressed to my skull

Unlike others that I know
Someone had given me the right

I'm not going to exercise it,
Just know that youve got it.

And I was correct,
In knowing nothing at all

Nothing remotely related to the topic of talk,

Interest me in the ways of the world

Bind us together and no one shall fill full
Or in essence Fufull

For what do these spoken words speak
Than to intensify her feeling

Ya I said it, but im not sure what you meant
Do you Mind explaing?
you can do it on your own time if you'd like

That girl wore me out yesterday
Well this morning as well
Could it have been last night maybe?
i guess

A spot on the screen
"There do you see it?"
It looks like a smudge

tho it could be an asterisk

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