Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Sweet sweet sincerity

just look what you do ta me
look at the ashes ive formed
a speckle
some sin
and a light from within
paper lamps that are now on the floor

There was a party
a welcome home party
and everyone you knew was invited.
Luckily they all didn't show

Well luckily the ones that didn't like you
Didn't show
As for the rest of them they were all there.
Your brothers and your neices
Nephews, Aunts, uncles
Mothers and fathers
the ones you missed and the ones you hate
Tho they needed to see you
your face altho you attest their very pressence
It's not their fault you say
But get them away from me

Just try to be nice
O.K. It was a good time and now the suns up
Everyone par-took and once the littles were asleep
It all really begun
Drugs for days
seeping into spines and veins
Dropping breathing
Hits and inhilation
And whiskey
beer and wine
sake and vodka
minus landing on the ground
As everyone flew
THe awakening was just as bitter.

Indigenous Tribes of North America : The Western Hemisphere but mainly Central California

I grow more and more like you
Every day

Yet in-depth and slightly focused
on which might blurrrrrrrrr the senses

Sometimes I sit and Stare
blankly I can see
But the light behind my eyes blinds my mind
My mind's eye

If it would only come to me
Those newly formed bonds
not broken

I wish you well
My willing well
(I know thats not mine)
(but i like his play on werds)


Now for the thriller

Take me as you wish
More over
How you please


Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Or suggestive of repose
I guess i'll take this lying down
I'm not afraid
ive just got problems facing fears

And falling asleep
Maybe i'll read

I want to
But music soothes my ears
I like to sing along as well

Altho it keeps me way too occupied
Especially this mix
Onew after another
Something to keep me going
Something i actually like
That makes all the difference

Too bad I cant sing at work

Ill get by
and get along

My dreams last night were intense
If I could only share.

One last sonfg and then i'll shut my eyes
good morning sunshine
Goodnight my nightmare

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

To Meeeeeeeeee

She holds onto the future
And she holds onto the past

I will not let it ruin all thats been
and all that lasts

Ill keep myself from going under from what's never meant to be

Cause life itself is rolling thunder minus all
The Flashing

The Constant Light shown In the dark

That leads my way through the unknown
I give Thanks
To all i saught out
And in time what has now grown
To be a Blank and empty Question
all that's never been

If I can keep this poem going then I'll know it from within

Ill know
the purpose of my
Not so selfishly ammused
And to the right of my.

I dont know,
so i will stop and then assume

The position
a premonition in the dark
not my submission
if you listen
what will

once again
i'll mend this track for you to cross

that last sentence made me realize that i wasnt
worth you waiting for
. But
I can smile
as you pass and hope you smile
back at me
at least remember when we shared
one life
one being
just one more thing

and sweet dreams

Monday, August 11, 2008

Dreams Make wishes Come True

This one i thot out.
Not enteirely.
But for the premise.

Sometimes i wish in 3-D,
And when I sleep I see the shapes
Come to life

All it takes is a little imagination,
And mainly fear.

Ive got a notion,
Burning brightly in my mind,
A sleeping potion.
Concocted soley from past lives,
and past times

Flavored memories,
and salty skin
remembrance and reverie
I've held within

It fakes itself,
and makes me happy.

Tho when I wake I'm
Less than whole.

If you would let me,
Just like fate

I take a toll

I collect it

And dispense a heaping portion,
of desire
conflict epic notions
Of what sould have been

Take the time to think
and never let the feelings go.

Cuz ive learned this much

what you care for will in time grow.

Don't give in.

and surely

Dont ever give up
Rome was not built in a day

Neither were
The great wall of China
The pentagon
Or Tall Tall Trees

We need to Nurture Nature
and let our lives Blow with the breeze

That will surely surround us
evry time the wind duth blow

I make no sound
Let me show you
And You'll know.........


Its way to overpowering

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Gorgeous does not grow on Trees

I dont know how I do it.
Maybe I have have too much confidence?
I know i have too little.
Either way with liquor,
I'm bound to break.
It's innevitable.

Innevitability is not random
It's an,
Udeniable fact

So take that
Mister individuality
You need to,
Speak out,
To be heard.

I found that out the hard way
If you keep on talking

At some point
They will listen

And if they did before
And they got bored
Youve got them hooked

Keep on talking
For they will listen once again

Master the art and know how not to lose them
Wave, my brother


My good man.

Keep on breaking on the shore
She sells sea shells down there
So go buy a few and let her know shes wanted
Plus they really are beautiful shells

And i know my shellfish.

I want to name this YES

That was just a rough copy
plus this can go anywhere else in the book that you like
altho i know you only work it in progression

Maybe you should try something new?
Words just spill out
Its cool.


In-vertigo, what is that?

Where's that sommer dress?
she does....

Know me like she think she does
I'd kill to see her look Like that in person.
She doesnt have an once of fear
And only if i had her here
I'd make her feel like she's
in Fifty million
Altho she doesnt want my love
She softens up
and gives in for the knight (thats me)
she knows she likes it
Forever and a day

Ive been

So far off and away
Not within.....
Nor easily at her Disposal
Sometimes thats all it takes

A bright white light
And lovely lanterns that always
give me away

As I'm walking out the door shes regretting this once more
This union.

But my pride,
drives me home @ 5:30 in the morning
That time we spent alone, we shared a blanket
and one of us cared enough to wake up and get on with life without warning

I still believe myself
There are better ways to do this
Like smile-ing