Monday, July 7, 2008

Get, Like i Said, Accquire

Acquisitionally speaking,
Who has what it takes
to master the art of
Is that an art?
Of mastering?

It's quiet
nothing but fans creaking, <- boards and lamps.
Computers think too.
You can listen,
Do they move you?
Well I'm not getting up
So don't even try it.
I'll be here a while.....

I'll ask you a question.

If there were something i could give you in return.
Not that i want to,
But what would it be?
and, I'm not saying that you've done anything for me,
or that i want you to,
or that I'm even gonna
do anything for you,
or even to you.
because you surely haven't,
done a thing for me.
Not anything that warrants regard anyways,
or deserves as much as a thank you.

I just want to provoke
whatever it is that i do
or did these last few seconds in time.
Did it cause you to think?
Did it rub you the wrong way?
poke or jab?
Was there a taste left on your tongue
bitter or sweet

In all actuality
Was one of these descriptions
somewhere in your thot banks
sending something to your eyes.
and if there wasn't.
then that's OK too.
I'll end this with a smile
go out and get yours.
your acquisition

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