Monday, May 12, 2008


Both sides are Perfect
Complimenting each other

I like to get going
to get gone
to get on top of things and direct the show

To be in control
When I have none i Feel Tormented like the world is spilling over
Stop! Pouring
cant you see its had enough
The glass is full
Do not fill it past its means
that is just a waste
excess is unnecessary
It is un needed
un clean
Not like the Lord
It is of the devil
of the lowest form
Do not heed the words of the devil
of the dark

I heed my own label
my own fist
Risen into the air
a symbol of ad version
An adversary

Al tho I do not know what side I want to be on
I can make no decision
For I am at odds with all I do

Do not make a scene
Be the seamstress you Have been and sew me threads of Fertile Wombs
and Fertile men
A fertile Man
A love
A Life
A Life Long Love

Will you?

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