Tuesday, January 26, 2010


this time im writing you to ask you all a favor
something strange inside my head
The dialogue in question
and a rather off beat flavor
spill my guts and fall back to the earth once more

If you had to
would you want to
when you open up your heart
im not a man of simple pleasure
but in depth and outstretched fingers

I cling tightly to the rope a binding light and lasting love
I hold you above the rest
in this moment in this life

Monday, January 4, 2010

After all it is a New Year

And to that I bid you gracious

What's with all of these questions?

I tell you now
for you are right

In a world with open doors which one should thee choose

which one
should rightfully
lead you to that light in which to stand

show off your energy for the sun
It burns so brightly in your eyes
Do you remember the time?
Like a child of convenience
We all concede to make a mark
a land for which to stand
where all can play a part
Ill-tempered confusion
sit and be still

willful wonders and Wrong-Begotten Woes

I didnt mean to drop that
I wasn't paying attention

Yes I know I should have taken better care
And yes there were tings I could have done
But is it?
Whose right is it to say?
I ask these questions all the time
I seek the truth
but wo is it that has the answer?
I gotta stop telling myself that you do
Cause you don't
take me with you
Ill be happy where you are
Ive been so happy for so long
Tending to his herd
Of cattle
like sheep
On ending sentences with phrases
bottled up and held so near

stiff drink
taste it on your tongue
the bourbon
sweeter still
is a kiss
in the light