Monday, June 22, 2009

Staring down a well

well for Heaven's sake....
and not my own

I've lived and told the total truth
to few and far between

to what will keep you hanging on
a thread

a thimble full,
to sew the seam

breaking bridges,
burning back.

i place my steps carefully,
tip and toe

heel and foot


many feet
far off,

off and a-way


I have mixed feelings about it.........
you get what you put in
or rather
Get what you can take?
Take what you can get
and take, all that you can

to survive
in life....
in love....
in lust....

So where will you end up?

Its not pre-ordained
not likely set in stone
no-one even knows

No Holy Grail
No father's son

Only your own,
to make it light

a simple choice
to choose from right
or wrong


an emancipation

in motion

centripical theory

Give me a place to stand
And I shall
Give me a place to sit
I'll do the same
Lie me down and comfort me
i feel safe in your embrace

Sunday, June 14, 2009


this breaks tradition
One I had set for myself

For myself only

One hundred posts
And then move on.......

One hundred senteces
Without a meaning
Without a stopping or a start
Who'd ever read them?
From start to finish
From first to last?

Who'd ever take the time to take everything in?
I Know i couldnt

I love you and thats all that's important

I want to be with you until the sun goes dim
Tho everlasting it may seem
it shall too come to an end
and I will be there