Sunday, November 23, 2008

But I'll give it my best shot

so he got up just as fast as he sat down
Didn't waste a minute really

How come we use such contradiction
Asking questions that don't have an answer
Does it

AAAh I dont know
If you saw it from my perspective Im sure it'd all be the same

But you don't
you didn't Right?
Using proper english are we?

Fuck what's up with these questions
I' think i'll just stop quik right there

That's a tough one

I know Im stabbing
Taking a chance in the dark

Especially without understanding....
it all

Like fresh air
crisp and clean
"fresh" Air

Found only in that valley

I can't explain the temperture
I cant explain the layers of clothes
Garments that we have to wear

To take them off

In peices

"shed" our skin

Why cant' we swim in the shallows?

Why must I dive straight into the deep

It feels like nothings underneath me
But who will catch me?


Who will teach me?

Does it ever make you wonder
Just what is being said

Friday, November 21, 2008


Let's see you rush to my rescue
Sreaching voice and screaching brakes
More like rubber on the tarmac
that passed so quick beneath your feet

As you went off in that direction
So way up North and then back down
Along the coast of California

No one to edit
No one small correction
could have ever stopped this

I'm all


Supposedly, the leaves went up in flames

For a better reason than none
I've got a worthwhile explanation

Well Maybe not worth while
But while you read this
Try to keep an open mind

A picture


Not gruesome

But figurative

Close your eyes
As you are the missing part

The top of your skull
Has been Cut off

Your mind is now open
A flat top

and where your brains once sat
an empty bowl

A crater

The last and sole remainder
It acts as a reminder

The cradle of life

So snuggle up
Warm to the fire
So hot the house,
Could all, but burn down

Do you smell that?

It's in your clothes and 'on the road'
Your teary eyes reddened by smoke

It's in the air indeed
A cozy place for you to be

and live out this day
while you're away

while im away

are you still fleeting?